
LX2158 ZRH -> PMI (Swiss)


Swiss flight from ZRH to PMI A321 on the 21.05.2023

Aircraft Informationen:

Type: Airbus A321-212

Age: 12 years 

Registration: HB-IOM


Flying time about 1 hour and 30 minutes.


Small disclaimer actually you can enter the Swiss

Lounge as a Business Class customer, but since my feeder flight was delayed, I could not visit the Swiss Lounge this time. Nevertheless, you can find the lounge options from my previous flights from Zurich here.



Flight from Zurich to Palma de Mallorca with Swiss in A321 business class. It was a 3-3 seating, in which the middle seat was always blocked. This resulted in a 2-2 configuration. On the blocked seat, one found a bottle of water as well as a disinfectant wipe. Seat pitch was okay, but not great, maybe a little more seat pitch than economy class. This A321 was equipped with monitors on the cabin ceiling where flight information as well as advertisements were shown. The cabin was relatively modern. Not new seats, but not old. (Actually, a new A321neo was to be used). 

Since the plane was fully booked, boarding took a correspondingly long time.

As long as we waited at the runway, I saw the plane I had come with from Frankfurt. This flight report is already online.

The flight time was calculated as 1 hour and 30 minutes and we took off on time.

Shortly after the start I was served a "champagne" with grissini. Since it was only 10:00 in the morning, I declined the champagne and took the grissini. Afterwards, breakfast was served. It consisted of half an egg, Bündner meat, ham , various cheeses and a kind of cream cheese terrine with a warm roll, croissant and optional butter and jam. It was accompanied by a strawberry cream yogurt, which was very good.

This was followed by a drinks round. During the entire flight, the drinks were refilled by one. 

Since it was my birthday, I got a birthday card as well as Swiss chocolate and most of the flight attendants congratulated me.

After about 1 hour and 10 minutes, I could see the island, which was mostly covered by clouds, and we flew across it once before starting our approach to Palma in a large right turn. 10 minutes before landing, the cabin was prepared for landing. During the approach we had an excellent view of Palma as well as the adjacent regions before we landed seaward. 

After about 10 minutes taxing also arrived at the gate. Thank you very much for reading.


  • Seat     

Comfort                    9/10

Cleanliness             8/10

Recline                     9/10

Table                         10/10

Seat width                    10/10

Seat distance         9/10

Seat setup matching flight time          10/10

Working ergonomics             9/10

Sockets (USB A Charger)        0/5

Can hold an IPad    2/5

Free Middle Seat    10/10

Seat Pocket             10/10

Assignment to the Rest of the Cabin           10/10


Result         8,83/10


Plus points:      


Pillows and blankets (1)

Monitor or IFE (1)         1/1


Plus points result:        1


Result seat:       9,83


  • Lounge 

Lounge rating        18/30


Plus points:

Two lounges (1) 1/1


Result lounge:  7

  • Plus points       

WLAN (2)          0

  • Crew    


Friendliness            20/25

Service                      23/25

Presence                  22/25

Language                 25/25


Result :       9/10



  • Ground handling          


Class based check in        20/20

Fast track / immigration     30/30

More baggage       20/20

Priority boarding   10/15

Boarding and disembark    15/15


Result:       9,5/10


Plus Points:      

Seperate bus shuttle(1)      


Result ground handling:      9,5/10


  • Amenities         


Plus points       


Travel organizer  (1)      

Amenity kit (1)  


Result: 0


  • Food    


Selection   0/10

Quality      20/20

The taste    17/20

Sufficient quantity   18/20

Drinks       20/20

Refill      8/10


Result :       8,3/10



Plus points:


Hot-Food (1)     0

Snacks (1)         0

Pre-order availability (1)           0


Food result:      4,15/5


  • App      

         Online check in      25/25

Seat choices          15/15

Add-on options     10/15

Functions              13/15

Traveling information       10/15

Apple wallet         15/15


Result (5):         4,4/5


Plus points:      


Result app:       4,4/5



Total results business class short haul:  26/30

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