


Aircraft information:

Type: Airbus A319-111

Age: 12 years 

registration: EI-IMN

Flight-time: 45 minutes 


Getting to the airport:

On my way back from Milan to Stuttgart, I took the cab from the hotel to Linate airport for about €25. The cab driver dropped me off directly at the ITA check-in hall.


If you enter the departure hall, turn left and walk a little further straight ahead, you will find the business class check-in. Check-in was relatively quick and I was able to drop off my bag. Then you walk straight ahead and turn left once. Then you are in the big check-in hall, where all the other airlines have their check-in. If you continue through the hustle and bustle, you will find the fast lane at the level of the Lufthansa check-in, which was really very fast.


After passing through security, I found my way to the ITA lounge (for reference). It took me 9 minutes for check-in and security. I walked once through the duty free area, then down towards the gate area and back up to the gangway gates, then followed the blue ITA sign up the stairs and reached the lounge. With brisk walking, I made it in 13 minutes. You can find the lounge review here. The ITA lounge was better than the Stuttgart Airport Lounge, but still not as recommendable.

As long as I waited in the lounge, I could see my plane arriving, which arrived with a good one-hour delay from CTA. Nevertheless, the boarding as well as the departure began on time. I was lucky because the plane was going to a terminal position, so I only had to take the elevator out of the lounge and was standing right in front of the gate. Otherwise, I would have had to walk halfway back again. 


Arriving at the gate, disembarkation was still in progress. In the end, we had a 40 minute delay starting with some very chaotic boarding announcements. Just so you know, as an ITA business class passenger you are allowed to board first. Boarding took place via a gangway in which we also had to wait again until we were finally allowed to take our seat with a good one-hour delay after a really warm welcome from the cabin manager.


Also on this flight I found a 3-3 seating in business class, in which the middle seat is blocked with a table. Here, too, the old seats from the predecessor were found again and one could already see the age of this aircraft. The seat pitch was not really good and also the seats have only a small seat pocket at the bottom. So also here you could not clamp an iPad reink. The plane made a not so clean impression on me. Each seat was equipped with a reading light and an air vent. What wasn't as great on the return flight as on the outbound flight with ITA was the recline option, which only reclined a maximum of 5 cm. Business Class again stretched over three rows and was relatively empty. Everyone could have had a row to themselves if he / she had wanted.


Pre Departure:

Even before takeoff, welcome drinks - either water or orange juice - were served during boarding. This even 2 times. 


After boarding was completed, we also went relatively quickly in the direction of the runway, where we then took off on RW36 in the direction of Stuttgart. Since there is a defined departure direction in Milan, I always recommend sitting on the left side at the window, because there you have the best view of Milan. And since I was sitting on the left side, I had an excellent view of Milan. 


After it was a bit turbulent at first, it took until the seatbelt signs went off. Then the service started: Each business class passenger received a food tray with a ham-tomato-mozzarella sandwich as well as a mixed salad with shrimp and a roll (where capers were incorporated). For dessert we had a very dry little cake with cream, which was very tasty. In general, the food was very good and a large portion that I enjoyed on the way to Stuttgart. Unfortunately, there was again only plastic cutlery. To finish, there was a smalla amaretti - typical Milanese. While I was getting my food, I was also immediately asked for my drink preference. I decided on a Coke. The very friendly flight attendant handed me two cans. Unfortunately, there were again only paper cups, but there was ice and lemon in addition. 



After that, it was still briefly enjoy the view over Zurich until the approach to Stuttgart started. 12 minutes before landing, the cabin was prepared for landing, and again in such a way that no one was disturbed.

Approach and Landing: 

So we started our approach to Stuttgart, which was very quiet, so that we landed with 11 minutes delay in Stuttgart on RW 25.


After landing, we drove to an outside position. Since we were unfortunately a bit late and Stuttgart airport was just very busy, we had to wait a good 10 minutes for the buses. Here again, we saw the super helpful crew, who supported a woman traveling alone with her baby, because she could not carry her baby and her trolley at the same time. So the cabin manager took the trolley without further ado and accompanied the lady to the bus. A small gesture with a big impact!

Baggage Claim:

What was good on this flight was that two buses were sent. After a short drive to the terminal we could see Stuttgart airport at its best. 3 flights all arrived at one baggage carousel and it was super crowded. When I arrived, suitcases were already piled on top of each other on the luggage carousel and that's where our luggage was supposed to fit. What was very strange was that the second baggage carousel was spinning but not being used for any of the three flights. Unfortunately, it also did not work at all with the Priority Baggage in Stuttgart. By now I know that it takes a good 10minutes, but that you can not even sort it, I was very surprised. This was not only with my flight so, but also with the other flights. Only when the baggage carousel was already very full, the suitcases arrived at the end with priority. I did not find this satisfactory.


Traveling through Linate airport is something you have to like. I think you get the hang of it after one or two visits. Can I recommend ITA on the route? Yes, absolutely! The price is as great as the flight, great service, good food and excellent crew. The downside the check-in described above. The ITA lounge I can not so recommend. It does offer a super view and it is also better than the Stuttgart Airport Lounge, but that's about it. I would not plan any extra time for this lounge. Also, I can not recommend the transfer via Linate, because you have to go through security again if you arrive by outside position. Except for the small delay, the flight was good with enough drinks and delicious food. However, the interior leaves something to be desired. ITA can do little for the handling at Stuttgart Airport, but even here I would recommend STR urgent action, as he has disappointed me especially on these round trips very much. Again, the question is what, when and if anything will change when Lufthansa officially takes over ITA's 41 percent. I still see a need for action, but I also see a lot of potential. What I would like to say again is a big thank you to the excellent crew on this flight: thank you! Therefore, this flight gets 23/30 points.

  • Seat     

Comfort                    8/10

Cleanliness             5/10

Recline                     7/10

Table                         8/10

Seat width                    9/10

Seat distance         7/10

Seat setup matching flight time          8/10

Working ergonomics             8/10

Sockets (USB A Charger)        0/5

Can hold an IPad    0/5

Free Middle Seat    10/10

Seat Pocket             9/10

Assignment to the Rest of the Cabin           10/10


Result         7,4/10


Plus points:      -


Result seat:       7,6

  • Lounge 

Lounge rating        12,75/30


Result lounge:  4,2

  • Plus points       

WLAN (2)          0

  • Crew    

Friendliness            25/25

Service                      24/25

Presence                  23/25

Language                 25/25


Result :       9,7/10

  • Ground handling          

Class based check in        18/20

Fast track / immigration     30/30

More baggage       15/20

Priority boarding   13/15

Boarding and disembark    9/15


Result ground handling:      8,5/10

  • Amenities       -    
  • Food    

Selection   0/10

Quality      18/20

The taste    19/20

Sufficient quantity   20/20

Drinks       17/20

Refill      9/10


Result :       6,5/10


Plus points:

Hot-Food (1)     0/1

Snacks (1)         0/

Pre-order availability (1)          0/1


Food result:      4,1/5

  • App      

         Online check in      20/25

Seat choices          15/15

Add-on options     10/15

Functions              5/15

Traveling information       5/15

Apple wallet         15/15


Result (5):         3,5/5


Plus points:    -  


Result app:       3,5/5



Total results business class short haul:  23/30